Dolcetti Capricci di Casanova - Dolcerie Veneziane

Traditional Venetian artisanal biscuits with candied pear and dark chocolate chips.

Item number 3360 - 3365
EAN code 8002749010205
Packaging Cartone - Cassetta
Pieces per carton Cartone 12 - Cassetta 18
Cartons per layer Cartone 9 - Cassetta 6
Layers per pallet Cartone 7 - Cassetta 8
Cartons per pallet Cartone 63 - Cassetta 48


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Dolcerie Veneziane s.r.l © 2025 - P.IVA 02106560275 - Venice Business Network: 02106560275 REA 289924 - Share capital € 51.000,00 i.v.
Registered office: Piazza Ferretto 55/A, 30174 Mestre (VE) - Italy
Production site: Via San Michele 71, 31032 Casale sul Sile (TV) - Tel. +39 0422 822737 - Fax. +39 0422 821506 -